A day on the Lake
The back of the Reef Queen Minnow Boat
Alvin Meacham Sr.
Jr. Meacham
Marblehead Light House
Back of the Reef Queen
A beautiful day on the lake
Beautiful sunset
Mouse Inland 1973
First Jeanette's Bait & Tackle Shop 1973
Wilford Couture
Wilford Couture
Alvin Jr. Meacham
Alvin Jr. Meacham
Ice fishing off the state dock on Morres Dock Rd.at Catawba Inland
Millers Ferry Dock
Ice Fishing off the State Dock on Morres Dock Rd. on Catawba
NICE !!!
Nice waleye Jr. !! almost a fish Oh.
Don Miller with The catch of the day.
Beautiful Picture
we took one
evening fishing
off Huron
Jr fishing off the back of the minnow boat the Reef Queen
John Gurzynski
Jr. & John Gurynski going ice fish in 2009